Monday, March 08, 2004 |
well... yesterday started early... was up and out of the flat by 9:30am.... and I didn't get home until 10:30pm (yes that be THIRTEEN HOURS!!!!!!!!!!!!) BUt having said that, despite the persistant presence of a stinker of a headache, it was quite a good day.
The music group played for the first time ever at church yesterday morning - all were very nervous - and tbh the first 2 bars were soooooooooooooo bad - but they got themselves back on track and sounded amazing when they got the confidence! (which i think is more impressive).
Then we were in Bible class, and I opened with an ice breaker, passed onto Wilma, and she's meant to take the class until 12:15pm (which is around 45 mins) but she decided to finish at 11:45 and said, 'that's me finished' and then looked at me as if she expected me to turn into a clown entertainer or something again... so there we go, I'm a young people's entertainer - doh!
Then i was out for lunch with a member of the congregation which was very nice - pity about the headache though - and we went for a walk around the water works - lovely day for it too...
and then at night, after the church service, me a parent and a couple of older youth headed down to Cathcart (i discovered that Andrews map reading skills are pants!) and it was like the blind leading the blind... hehehe... but we got there evenutally and with 15mins to spare - impressive!!!!!
Catalyst, yet again, was amazing - really feel at home there, coz i connect with the worship and the speakers are always relevent and good! I think the others enjoyed it too - i'm sure i'll find out if they felt otherwise in the next while....
BUt i have to say if GOING to catalyst wasn't eventful, then coming back was!!!!! We were backtracking, wehn all of a sudden Anne decides to take a right.... ( which results in us almost having to go into a car park... then we sorta got lost in back streets and almost ended up in ANOTHER carpark... then we almost ended up in ANOTHER carpark... strang attraction that ;-)
Anyway - so I is very tired today........
Proof being... I was just walking past the reception just now to be greeted by Gwen, who said... 'you look like a tired little beaver... been trying to build too many damns?' *ho ho ho ho ho* - very funny...
tee hee....
posted by TLT @ 10:20 am |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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