Monday, December 13, 2004 |
(music - White Flag, Dido)
Well, it's already getting dark outside and i didn't even get the chance to go out today!!!! Spent the morning into early afteroon finishing off my essay and getting the bibliography etc all sorted, and i handed it in about an hour ago, so at least thats one less thing on my mind... As far as college goes, I have classes again all tomorrow, although we have the Christmas lunch at lunchtime which i'm sure will eat into a fair amount of our afternoon class, which is good. Not sure what we'll be doing in the morning, or which lecturer we have for that matter because Ted is in India (i think) at the moment... Anyway, so we have a study day on Thursday which means we don't actually have to attend college at all, but it's the lat day of term so they have an end of term service which i'll probably go along to.
Still 2 assignments for this term to complete. One is due on the 6th of Jan, so i need to have all my prep for it done before i go home as I won't be back here until the 5th of Jan, so as far as that's concerned the pressure isn't off quite yet. Also the other assignment is due in January also, but not until the end of January so I'm not so concerned about it. Also both of these assignments are only 1200 words, so not so much detail needed therefore less prep which is good. Although one of them is an exegesis, which is a little more time consuming (that's the one i have to do the prep for before i go home too! ARGH!) but all should be well... It's at least nice to have my two big assignments out of the way... I know that's i've passed the one i handed in a week or so ago, which is a great relief!!!! Will find out my grade on Thursday i think...
Anyway - Got Youth band tonight and it's their last practice before they play Immanuel at church on Sunday morning - should be 'fun' - LOL... Also have to prepare a party for all my mid-week group and bible class kids for Thursday night, which is kinda fun, but i'll have to go shopping for that at some point!!! Also got some last minute shopping i need to do before Friday - doh!!!! Then will probably go shopping again on Saturday - we'll see.
oh and i reallllly need to clean this room of mine before I go home coz it's such a state!!! Also have a pile of washing waiting for me to tend to it - doh! See what happens when you get bogged down with assignments?! doh!
Anyway - should go and do prep for tonight and get myself sorted...
cya x |
posted by TLT @ 3:54 pm |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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