Monday, May 01, 2006 |
oops. sorry. |
i've completely neglected this blog recently. sorry.
I've been pretty busy though... rough count down of the week.... college all day tuesday followed by food --> bookshop --> film at night with dad... saw 'Inside man' was a very clever film *grins* kept having to poke dad in the ribs though *hehe* Wednedsay... got up and faffed about doing prep for meetings, then had meeting with Iain, followed by coffee meeting type thing with Sheena... then just had the evening to myself which was nice. Slept loads. Thursday... headed off to Easterhouse for the media group, came back and then did some prep and relaxed for the rest of the day coz my evening group was cancelled... me 'n Kat did the flat fellowship - was amusing... We had singstar *hehe* Friday... *thinks* spent the morning finishing a reflection report and weekly workplans that i had to hand in for college, did most of my anathallo prep and then headed to the BB display in the evening. - was good... but the parallel bars still make me cringe! Saturday i was up uber early (7:20am) and out of the flat by 8am so that i could catch a bus to b'briggs so that i could go on the church ramble for a change... they have them bi-weekly but i've never been able to go for one reason or another... but i was determined this time... really enjoyed it... we went to Dunkeld... some of the yp were there, but i got to mix with a few of the adults too which was good. really enjoyed it - was knackered by the time i got back at 5pm though... was in bed sleeping by 9pm after finishing my anathallo prep and watching some stargate... (oooooh and reading some Narnia - on the 2nd book now - lovin' it!!) Had discovered though that then net wasn't working again - wasn't impresssed. Woke up in good time on Sunday - went to church - found out we raised £1700 *grins* which is awesome! Had bible class, was good... Andy did an amusing thing with a banana... had an educational point, but was funny... Then came back here and watched stargate 'n chilled... headed back to b'briggs to use Sheena's net connection to sort out some stuff, had a nice chat to her and then headed to church... had anathallo prayer meeting, then evening service, then anathallo which went really well... Today... was up in good time again - sat talking to yp (who are now on study leave) on msn for a bit, then headed off into town for a supervision meeting with one of my volunteers... was good... then headed off to get the prize for the yp who got the most sponsor money *grins*, back up the road, and here I sit... So as you can see i've been busy... but the biggest problem hampering my attempts to update on here at the moment is the lack of internet connection in the evenings and at the weekends - is very annoying. This was the 4th weekend in a row... *argh* hopefully they'll fix it soon.. there's a lot of annoyed bunny's up here....
anyway - hope that makes up for my lack of updatedness... |
posted by TLT @ 2:41 pm |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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