Saturday, February 12, 2005 |
(The mighty ducks D2)
there are 2 words to describe how i'm feeling right now... sore and very very tired! Last night was my over night session with the BB... they had their (unsponsored) game-a-thon from 8pm-8am this morning. Was such a good laugh though... played badminton for a lot of the night (which is why i'm sore today - those boys can be quite competative) and had a good time just chillin with the guys and getting to know them a bit better... Watched the guys play twister, which was hilarious, and did that puzzle thing where you tie them up and they have to get free without undoing the knotts... that too was hilarious! But yeah it was good... we were struggling a bit between 2 and 3am but generally it was fine... i even managed to write up a rough plan for the 24 hour fast at one point. bad side though of course was that i didn't get to my bed until 9am this morning. Shattered doesn't even cut it! But got myself up again at 1:30pm so that i was sure i'd sleep tonight... since then i've been faffing about online, walking about the flat, and of course doing my prep for bible class in the morning... we're gonna look at how the church works as a team and that's how God designed it to be and how we should work with older members and they should work with us etc... should be good. Have to remember and take the video camera too... i'll let a couple of the young people use it... But yeah, so i'm tired, just about ready to flop, totally! cya! |
posted by TLT @ 7:43 pm |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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