Monday, February 07, 2005 |
(music - rain down, Delirious)
dum de dum... about to go deliver something to Ruth in the office as a favour for her.. *grin* Yesterday was an extremely busy day!!! Was at church early to set up and make sure that Andrew was happy coz he was leading the bible class while i was leading the over 15's. Only 2 of the over 15's turned up, but all was not lost coz we had some really deep and challanging discussions about the the Holy Spirit and other related issues. Was really good.
Then went to the Manse for lunch again coz Andrew asked if I wanted to go to the cinema in the afternoon, and since i had no plans i thought it would be a good laugh. So yeah, saw Oceans 12 (again) but i actually enjoyed it more the second time... I think it's coz it was less confusing coz i knew the outcome *lol*. But yeah, it's important to invest in your youth leaders just as much as it is for you to invest in your yp... so yeah. it was a good afternoon. Then back to church again at night. interesting service. Hm. Then literally came back here and had some food, watched Oceans 11 and slept. Was in bed asleep by 11pm LOL... but yeah - there ye go.
Today was up early... Had to sort some things before i went to Springburn Academy re: my placement with them next term. Looks like it's gonna be an interesting and different challenge. Will be working in the behavioural unit there, and the folk seem really nice, so yeah it's gonna be cool. Start there on the 21st of April *grin*
Since i got back I ordered a couple 'Make poverty history' bands online. The silicon ones have been out of stock since Christmas which is why i'm not wearing a band as yet... but they'll be getting sent home at some point and then i'll get dad to take them down which will be cool.. bit over the top with the delivery charge though!!! Costs just as much to get them delivered as what it costs to buy them in the first place... ah well.
But yeah... not doing much else until work tonight... have a few bits of prep and study to do so i'll work my way through them and then i'll be sorted! WE have lots to do at the group tonight... Video stuff as well as practicing love the Lord your God for next Sunday. We're teaching it to the kids and the congregation *hehehe* should be 'fun'. Anyway - i should head off...
cya x |
posted by TLT @ 12:33 pm |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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