Wednesday, January 26, 2005 |
(music - rush of blood to the head, coldplay)
right ok... sorry for not updating yesterday, but there wasn't really that much to say and i was tired... but i'll update now.
ok, so college all day. first period of history good, then looooooong fellowship which i skipped coz i was tired, the very boring session of history.
lunch. ooooh and ER series 2 arrived *woot*
then afternoon class was good, so can't complain.
at night i worked a bit on my essay, and then went out for dinner with dad which was good - nice to catch up.
then after that came back to the flat for a kitchen meeting. we defrosted our freezer and chucked out like 3 bin bags of unclaimed food. *yikes* nice clean and more or less empty freezer now tho *wink*. Good anger management treatment too *wink*.
right ok, today, was up early for a meeting at 9am with Tim. Was a good chat, then i spent the afternoon doing ref report and my essay. Also foned springburn academy about a placement for next term, but the lady didn't fone me back, so will have to phone again tomorrow *argh* struggling to find refs for my choice of discussion for my ref report *argh* but i'll sort that on Friday, done most of essay... willl finish that off before bed.
ok so most annoying thing to happen today, was when i logged onto the impact forum at 8:30am to find that i was 250 posts down (very annoying) one of the MODs had deleted a thread... doh! but anyway, i'm past it so i ain't going to moan about it on here too.
next annoying thing to happen today was i went for a walk and fell flat on my face in argyll street. was dark, and not tooo many people about. But i didn't care it was in public, it was just sore. However all limbs seem to be intact, no blood, not ever a graze, but i think i may have a few bruises in the morning, went down quite hard. *ouch*
but then i get back here to find that ER series 3 has been posted, so all it right with the world again *hehe*
but yeah, that's my 2 days... now i've got to finish my essay, prep for fellowship tomorrow night and do my reading for tomorrows classes... who said college wasn't a bundle of laughs?!! *cough* |
posted by TLT @ 7:34 pm |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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