Wednesday, March 16, 2005 |
Rant 2... |
(music - everytime, Britney Spears)
Right ok... So had that meeting last night. There ended up only being 4 people there. No one turned up from Woodhill for some reason, most unusual. But oh well. But yeah, was an ok meeting i guess, although i think some people are already losing the vision and the POINT of the whole thing *argh*, and i felt myself falling into the 'not listened to young person' (i was the youngest person there by far, but in some ways a certain person kept on talking as if my points were void *grrr*). And this annoys me HUGELY because the whole POINT of this thing is that we are Advocates for our young people, so if you're going to sit there and put your OWN view forward instead of your Young people's view, then i'm sorry but...
ARGH! I'm SICK of people thinking that they know all about young work and their young people where the reality is that they don't even ASK their young people and 9 times out of 10 don't spend enough time with their young people to find out! *grrr*
But yeah... the bit that i actually got annoyed at was when, well basically, I said that i felt it was important that we didn't lose the focus on the type of event elevate is meant to be. By this point there had been mention of getting each youth group to give a list of 'songs they knew', which in my opinion is all very well, but with that you run the risk of singing hymns from 200 years ago coz that's all they know where the VISION of Elevate is to worship using up-2-date material. But anyway, i made my point that although my young people don't actually know a lot of the songs they really enjoy going along to Elevate because they love getting to know the new more modern songs and getting a chance to sing them as part of church. Now, as THIS point another person at the meeting decided to challenge me and, basically made the accusation that I knew the songs and therefore enjoyed it while my kids who didn't know the songs hated it, and i was sorta stunned, coz i was like thinking, what on earth did i just say to give her that impression. But then i tried to make her see but she wouldn't listen... so yeah, i was beginning to feel as though i was being trampled on by this point for being considerably closer to the age of the kids than she was but whatever...
Then she started picking up on Tim using the phrase 'culturally relevant' grrrrrrrrrr... which was when the crap really started. Firstly we started discussing the fact that most kids are bored stiff in churches today. At this point She screwed up her face (sorry lady, but REALITY CHECK) as she wasn't agreeing... man does she have the wool pulled over her eyes.. i mean come ON... i mean Tim's church is the most up beat church and releveant church for yp in Bishopbriggs and even there kids struggle... she comes from a... well... yeah. Then when we got to 'worship' she asked Tim to get the guy who does the worship to think about songs which are more 'inclusive'. By this point i was totally confused... and THIS is why... when Tim asked her what she meant (he was also olooking thoroughly confused) she replied that an example would be that we're not all 'sons of God'...
Come ONNNNNNN! At this point i just wanted to totally ask her what on earth she was on! DUH. I'm sorry, but in my opinion, if you're singing and song and you're more worried about that fact that it's not as feminine as you'd like it then guess what??
Man... i was just sooooooo mad inside by the end of it. but hey.
but yeah whatever... turns out this ladies church is getting a student next year and they want me and Iain to go and talk to them... blurgh. Oh don't i just look forward to that day with great joy! *duh*
Anyway - got to go out for a coffee with Hazel, then i'll be off to meeting with Iain, and then back for a couple of hours before I head back the BCC for meeting tonight. *yay* |
posted by TLT @ 11:04 am |
Nice Rant - so at least you were up before noon!
Dad ;-)
yeah - had to be - was going out for a coffee with Haz...
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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Nice Rant - so at least you were up before noon!
Dad ;-)