well... yesterday morning i had a lovely (not) visit to Gartnavel Hospital... I was visiting the Electrophysiology department in the opthamology institute (my doesn't it sound technical)... had a couple of tests... first one was basically measure the speed of the electrical impulse in my brain from the front to the back of my head... although more specifically it was measuring how long it took for it to get from my eye, along my optic nerve and to the back of the head where your sight stuffs are translated by the brain... The test basically involved 5 electrodes being attacked to my head, 2 at the front, and 3 at the back (ick to minging gel stuff) and then me sitting 1 metre away from a computer screen, focusing on the red cross in the middle of the screen which was at the centre of a screen full of black and white squares which alternated giving a major flashing effect... left eye done first, then right... was quite disorienting actually... didn't hurt, but not particularly pleasant either... then the second test involved 3 electrodes (but different ones) on my forehead, and then 2 special electrodes which, believe it or not actually had very fine thread type stuff which was put under my lower eyelids, yes i did just say UNDER... *heh* not overly comfortable i have to say but fine i guess... I had already had drops put in my eyes to dilate my pupils *woop* i love looking at my eyes in the mirror when my pupils are huge, it's dead funny! Anyway, this time it was same kind of thing as before, only i was 12 inches away from a big screen which was being projected onto, and it was a green cross with flashing hexagons... that one was quite draining actually coz it was 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off for 8 mins *ick* was ok though i guess... Basically it was mapping the back of my retinas *heh* the lady was quite funny... "oooh i'm getting beautiful results here Linda, just beautiful" - LOL....
My friend Mags had taken me and she had come through with me, so i'm sure it was an education for her *hehe*... The lady person said that apparently the tests were normal... so if i have had an inflammed optic nerve, it isn't anymore and has left no damage, which is good. However, seeing that it's been the main thought of the docs to date that this it what has been causing my headaches and eye pain i'm not overjoyed by the clear results... Means i'm back to square one... well not really, i guess i have a head scan coming up... although it does kinda make me a bit more apprehensive about that now...
Anyway - i'm not sure if yesterday morning and excessive flashing screens are to blame, but my head has been soooo much worse... ended up in bed yesterday afternoon... iain has now convinced me that perhaps we have reached a point where the kirk session etc should be told that i'm struggling with health so that the pressure is off me a bit... As i explained to him the other day, i have not allowed my health issues to affect my work over the last 8 months... but as i'm being weened off my pills i can see this becoming more of an issue which is rather annoying... grrrrrrr. oh well.Labels: brain scan, doctors, electrical impulses, electrodes, Electrophysiology Department, friends, Gartnavel Hospital, ill, opthamology institute, optic nerve, optic neuritis |