Friday, February 06, 2004 |
Had yet another busy day today... woke up to someone knocking on my door at 9:15am followed by more knocking and then my door opening *shock*, but then swiftly closing again when the culprit realised i was still sound asleep in my bed - it was just the college janitor wanting to show the joiner my door coz it's squeaking lots and doesn't swing as freely as it should........
Anyway, since then i've been working hard on finishing my essay for next Monday and doing some other bits and pieces for church, so it's been yet another stupidly busy day... and it doesn't stop there... I'm going to a friend's birthday/flatwarming party tonight over on the Edinburgh side, and probably won't be back till late - d'oh! but it should be good fun!! will be good to see a few of my iMPACT friends again!
posted by TLT @ 3:36 pm |