Thursday, March 18, 2004 |
I'm pretty miffed right now... no in fact I'm actually brewing with anger to be honest. Living in community has it's up's and down's, but living in a Christian community, although contrary to popular belief, has it's moments when it's even worse than living with non-christians (morally and ethically). In fact i think i'd go as far to say that my life would be a lot simpler if I WERE staying with non-Christians, at least that way you don't necessarily have certain Christian expectations to be met i.e. manners and respect (not that they're exclusively Christian, but then since i'm no brain box, I can hardly comment, can i...). It just angers me to see how some people behave, and then don't even have remorse for it, depsite the fact that they know it's wrong. Is it just me, or does Jesus tell us to treat others as we'd like to be treated... Love others as we love ourselves... Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debters?!?! I know no-one is perfect, but sometimes, I just wonder if these scripture passages actually MEAN anything to the majority of Christians, because they certainly don't seem to be sorry when they twig that they're not quite being fair. No wonder half of the world think that Christian's are hypocrites - we give them plenty of ammo!
posted by TLT @ 6:34 pm |