Friday, August 06, 2004 |
ooops - haven't been writing anything for a while... well anyway... been up in Kemnay since last Friday night and here are the highlights of my week...
* went to the movies to see 'Garfield the movie' with Fion and Richard... It's a VERY funny movie!
* visited KPC and AoG to see friends and catch up a bit
* then went up to Peterhead to stay with my grandparents and cousins for a few days - what a hoot!
* then back to meet up with my friend Emma to catch up
* chill out on Thursday and out for a meal with my friend Ann - which was lovely!!!!
so it's been busy - but it's been a lovely time... Fi is coming to pick me up just before two so i get into town in time for my train back to Glagow to meet Philip before we head off to Cumnock for the mission tomorrow morrning... Think we might go to see a film tonight - dunno yet.
Anyway - please keep us in your prayers especially over the next week while we're sharing the gospel in the Netherthird area of Cumnock.. Pray that God will do good things through the team and that the young people's hearts will be opened... pray that the team will keep the energy levels up and will shine a light for Christ...
anyway- i should go and pack! EEEEEEEEK! |
posted by TLT @ 10:20 am |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
See my complete profile
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