Friday, October 08, 2004 |
ooops - only jsut realised that i didn't get a chance to post yesterday... pretty representative of my day i guess... i had managed to get online for all of 2 mins before i had to head to class in the morning, but that was after it took one of the library computers 8 mins to log me in!!!!!! i was NOT impressed! The quicker we get wireless the better!
I did get my battery on Wednesday btw... other than that i mostly studied and did prep for church, not much esle i'm afraid. And yesterday was MEGA busy. We had a class on 'listening and guidance skills' in the morning, followed by placement seminar. Cherie kept on picking on me and making me say stuff - not fair - ah well... then in the afternoon i had a 3rd level (3rd year) Christian Beliefs class on The church:it's meaning and mission... sounds interesting, and it is... but Darrell, the lecturer isn't the easiest to follow and he's a really hard marker and, well, it's just gonna be a really hard class to pass!
After class i headed off to Kenmure pretty much straight away and headed for my supervisors meeting with George and then onto 'Inspired' with the young folk. We gained another new member last night which was pretty exciting :) I've decided to start doing little meditations at the beginning and end of each session in order to get the kids more focused on what worship should be. Last night i used the song 'surrender' after reading them a short passage about the meaning of worship and how its not about us but about God. Seemed to work quite well... And one of them texted me afterwards thanking me as it helped her focus - which made me chuffed!
anyway - i'm waiting for a text from Fiona as I'm meeting her and Richard for lunch (i think) in town somewhere... should be fun!!! Then i've got a couple of bits and pieces to do before i head off to the Commissioning Service tonight. Iain advertised it as MY commissioning service and invited folk from Kenmure - eeeeeek! It's not though, just a general student one. I dunno what they're gonna do yet tbh!
Got to go hand in my sheets to Cherie's tin before i forget! |
posted by TLT @ 12:39 pm |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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