Saturday, November 27, 2004 |
(music - main title, braveheart)
oooooooooops forgot to post today as i've been totally up to my eyes studying all day (still am - but back is hurting so taking a break)... Today's topic is the 'inclusive community' of the church to young people... or at least whether it is or not. But at the moment i'm just reading for it... got 10 books out of the library (max you can get) this morning and have been working on them since... On my second one but it's taking a while as it's based on the sacraments and so there's lots of stuff that i need to take notes on. Was also at BB tonight which was actually quite good... a couple of the guys were acting up but we managed to have a decent conversation where they really started talking about some deep stuff relating back to the basics of faith - *woot!*
oooh and we just had another delivery of M&S food - ehhehehe... so i managed to grab a couple of nice things - so that'll be my food for tomorrow! Tomorrow is gonna me more of the same from today i'm afraid... just me and my laptop (for music) a note pad, pen and a pile of books. Although i also have to sort a session on the occult for the Bible class on Sunday tomorrow afternoon, so i'm going to have to make sure that i split the day enough to have time to do both that and doing more study!!!! I think i'm gonna try and get myself up at a decent time tomorrow so i can work right through... i TRIED today... i promise i did... I had my alarm set for 8am, but i kept putting it on snooze - doh! But at least i was up by 10:30am!!! Haven't done THAT for a while!!!! (apart for classes and church - i'm not THAT bad!)
Right think i'm about ready to give up on this book and try again, refreshed, in the morning... eyes beginning to sting from being tired!!!
nite nite x |
posted by TLT @ 1:27 am |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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