Wednesday, April 13, 2005 |
busy busy busy |
oh man... to say i'm busy doesn't even cut it... spent yesterday in college starting my 2 new classes... got a morning class with Neil on social policy, and he's been mean enough to give us reading for tuesday AND a group presentation to organise for a week tuesday (so they think we do nothing?!) and then the afternoon is interpreting the bible which is kl, but again the guy gave us reading *cry* dunno when i'm gonna get it all done when I still have an essay to write for Tuesday and i'm finding it difficult fitting THAT in *blah* but anyway - then dad came and i cooked him dinner *grin* then had Elevate meeting at night and that was totally encouraging... *grin* came home and crashed...
then today i've spent the morning writing my presentation, then a meeting with Cherie, then more prep for the fast, then out to Iain's for a meeting, dinner, and then back out to the church for me doing a presentation to the Kirk Session, which by all accounts seems to have gone well *grin*... anyway now i'm off to do more prep and i suppose i may do some essay writing *blah* |
posted by TLT @ 9:36 pm |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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