Tuesday, December 06, 2005 |
*sore argh* |
Hmmm can't seem to even look at my homepage... *is thinking that blogger is having issues tonight*
so yeh... can't remember what the last thing was that i wrote *is getting old* so this could be fun...
ok so this morning i had a longish lie-in... didn't get up until after 10am, which has been a rarity recently... but was knackered after having such a busy weekend... yeh so i faffed about a bit.. caught up on the news etc... apparently Gay couples are going to be able to register as of 20th Dec in Scotland *hmmm* and only 1 third of Clergy across Scotland actually believe in hell... and most don't adhere at all to their church official doctrine (lots of different demoninations surveyed)... i think that it's all really quite harsh... but what can you say????
anyway so... then Emily asked if i wanted to go into town... and i decided that i really wasn't in the mood to start reading for my next essay, so we did... was cool. We went to a couple of shops 'n did christmas shopping 'n food shopping... was good exercise... Was good. so yeh - got back here and then found some stuff online that i ordered for folk and then *BAM* done. Finished my Christmas shopping!!!! *grins* So yeh... did some wrapping 'n then headed to work... was good - although arrived to find the christmas tree lying on it's side in the middle of the floor, so that made the practicalities slightly awkward, but it was ok... was given a lift back which was great... and then talked to folk on msn for a bit before finishing the wrapping of all the pressies i have... not much left to arrive through the post... it's all good. Glad i've managed to get all of my Christmas prep done.. means that i can now concentrate on my last assignments and all my extra prep for work... so that's good.
ehehehe *is watching friends*
so yeh. am tired, but not... got class at 9am tomorrow morning, and have library books to sort out before 10:30am so i should probably go to sleep.... |
posted by TLT @ 1:25 am |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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