Sunday, December 04, 2005 |
*is tired but awake* |
man what a busy day... have not stopped since i got up this morning *eeek*
started off the day by dealing with some emails 'n sorting out library books... then had lunch 'n mum went through the grammer in my essay with me - so it's completely finished now... i should be able to hand it in this week probably. *must remember* But got books out for my missions essay... although i'm not 100% sure where books would come into it seeing as it's a case study and discussion *hmmm*... so yeah...
then headed into town, in the rain... had to get stuff for work 'n stamps 'n envelops for Christmas cards... finished writing and addressing the cards i'd made already and then spent the rest of the night wrapping the stuff that i had bought for work and doing prep for Bible Class and Anathallo etc... so it's been pretty hectic... but am wide awake now. Am thinking i may watch Home Alone 2...
it's raining... i home it stops raining for me to get to work tomorrow... i hate it when it rains... i got SOAKED today... so bad that the water was up to my knees on my trousars (and they're not bad for touching the ground) and my trainers were soaked through - was less than amused... that had better not happen tomorrow... what happened to our insanely cold but dry weather???!!!!! :(
anyway... i'm offski for now. |
posted by TLT @ 12:10 am |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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