Friday, November 25, 2005 |
*cold and wet* |
blurgh... it looks miserable outside... was going to go to the cinema tonight, but if the weather keeps it up like this then i won't be going anywhere!!!! If it was snowing then at least it would be worth it, but it's not *not impressed* it's just mingin' and wet... ah well... so anyway, sorry for the lack of update yesterday... 'twas a very busy day... was in college all day... morning class was very interesting - first bit was about demonic stuff and how we should react to that especially in the context of other religions 'n stuff... and then we were looking at contextual representations of Jesus from different cultures and what we thought of them 'n stuff... was interesting... then we had ethics class in the afternoon... i'd like to point out however that sooooo many people didn't turn up to the morning class yesterday coz they hadn't finished their essays... but yeh... wasn't so bad in the afternoon class i don't think... didn't really notice.. The class was ok, but it was business ethics which doesn't press buttons with me as say bioethics... so i wasn't too fussed... was interesting though... and then we had placement seminar which was ok... although nice and short for a change 'n we got to go early *grins* but yeah after that i headed to work and had Pammie 'n Lois practicing a harmony for singing Away in a Manger at the Agape meal... first time either of them have done this sort of thing but they were doing really well!!!! Was well impressed *grined* and then after a wee while Lauren came in too and she sang the melody over the top - sounded really nice... so yeah.. was good... then we had Inspired was good... i got them all to listen to 3 songs, each song representing a different side to Christmas because i wanted them to really think about what they want to get across with the sketch they're making up for the Christmas service on the 18th... was good and we had a good discussion about Christmas and the whole commercial side vs the Christian side and also the fact that there are those less fortunate than us... so it was good... So i reckon they'll do well to come up with something next week so they can then start practicing it...
Today however has been less than inspiring so far... Have just been working through my 'to-do-list' and i have to say that there's not anything particularly interesting on it... although I need to go and do some prep for work now that i've done my Ref report etc for college... *joy* ah well... you have to have paperwork too, that's just how it goes...
laters... |
posted by TLT @ 2:01 pm |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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