My random ramblings...
Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37v4.   
Saturday, November 19, 2005
discipline *argh*
well yesterday was a busy day... I had this HUGE list of stuff to do and i can quite happily say that i actually achieved most of it which was good... had hoped to finish Grenz last night, but between one thing and another i didn't quite manage it... on the last chapter today though *bounces* so i'll be reading that today to get it over and done with... it's an interesting book but it just gives me a headache!
So anyway, other than that i have some prep to do for Anathallo tomorrow night... now that can be claimed to be the more 'fun' and relaxing objective for the day so that will be a treat amongst all the madness of studying. I'm waiting for dad to call me... hopefully he's remembering. I'm currently hating the fact that the majority of Amercian sites require a VISA card *not amused* coz i wanted to get these cool DVD resources off of this site with the money that i had left over from the holiday but I couldn't because i realised that they didn't take switch/maestro - was not best pleased... then came across these other amazing resources only to find out the same on that site too... so i wasn't best amused at all. So i asked dad if i could use his card *bounces* which is kl... i'll give him the money back this week... but i'm still waiting... maybe he's forgotten *shrugs*
anyway - my brunch is cooking so i had better go get it...

posted by TLT @ 11:41 am  
  • At 2:45 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Just thought of another memory!!!! I recall one day - not that very long ago when TLT phoned me to proudly announce to me that she had washed the car ;-) This would be first I think!!!!!

    She went on to tell me that there were lots of flies etc. stuck to the front bonet and bumber - but no worries - she had managed to get these off too. So all sounds good so far!

    Then she mentioned that the front bits would need to be polished. Naturally, I asked why this might be?

    She went of to describe how she had used a pot scouring scrubber to get the flies of! Of course this would not be such a bad thing - except that this sort of sponge has the effect of not only removing the files but also scratching the paint work!

    After a couple of hours of work on the paint work with T'Cut (Brasso stuff) I was able to restore the paint work to almost new condition!

    Bless her ;-))


  • At 2:45 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Just thought of another memory!!!! I recall one day - not that very long ago when TLT phoned me to proudly announce to me that she had washed the car ;-) This would be first I think!!!!!

    She went on to tell me that there were lots of flies etc. stuck to the front bonet and bumber - but no worries - she had managed to get these off too. So all sounds good so far!

    Then she mentioned that the front bits would need to be polished. Naturally, I asked why this might be?

    She went of to describe how she had used a pot scouring scrubber to get the flies of! Of course this would not be such a bad thing - except that this sort of sponge has the effect of not only removing the files but also scratching the paint work!

    After a couple of hours of work on the paint work with T'Cut (Brasso stuff) I was able to restore the paint work to almost new condition!

    Bless her ;-))


  • At 2:45 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Just thought of another memory!!!! I recall one day - not that very long ago when TLT phoned me to proudly announce to me that she had washed the car ;-) This would be first I think!!!!!

    She went on to tell me that there were lots of flies etc. stuck to the front bonet and bumber - but no worries - she had managed to get these off too. So all sounds good so far!

    Then she mentioned that the front bits would need to be polished. Naturally, I asked why this might be?

    She went of to describe how she had used a pot scouring scrubber to get the flies of! Of course this would not be such a bad thing - except that this sort of sponge has the effect of not only removing the files but also scratching the paint work!

    After a couple of hours of work on the paint work with T'Cut (Brasso stuff) I was able to restore the paint work to almost new condition!

    Bless her ;-))


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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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I'm a fan of Shaun the Sheep!

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