Sunday, November 13, 2005 |
God is good |
it's been a good weekend... an absolutely knackering one... but good... no wait, great all the same *grin*
We raised another £36 pounds today with selling cards 'n left over baking... so it's fabby. almost at £350 now *grin*
But yeah... got to work tonight to find that the piano wasn't working... the red light was on, although the other lights weren't on and there was just no sound coming from it at all... was seriously beginning to think that there was something major wrong... i mean it just wasn't right at all... and we considered the 'half power' issue but the projector 'n all that stuff were working... was just really weird. So anyway - we arranging for another keyboard to be borrowed instead, but as we practiced i got Sarah to just play on the piano so that she could practice anyway (i know she couldn't hear, but it was just to boost her confidence), and half way through 'Blessed be your name' all the lights suddenly got brighter 'n the piano started working!!!! i just shouted "Hallelujah" and the other yp clocked what had happened... so we really were singing out praise after that!! !*hehe* and all the yp were just hyper *hehe* so they were really confident 'n stuff for the service, so it went really well... no major mistakes and the boys did a grand job with the powerpoint... Iain was on form with his preaching too - so it all came together really well *grin*... got lots of positive feedback too *hehe* so it's all good...
then we had Anathallo which again was great.... Tonight was 'Who is Jesus?' so it was great just going really deep into that conversation with such a variety of young people!!! Just so exciting... and hearing them express themselves and their faith... well i just can't help but grin... was good... although the comical part of the night was when i asked my small group about what they thought people thought of Jesus when he said 'I am the bread of life' and what they thought it meant 'n stuff... and then Pammie went into this explanation in which she started laughing coz she was confusing herself and then it got to the point that we thought she was talking about a Jesus being a man made of bread... was verrrrrrrrrry funnny *hehe*
Anyway - i have like soooo much work to do tomorrow for college - particularly another essay proposal for another class... ablthough this one has to be more detailed - so i'll be spending most of my day doing that *blaH* before work at night *yay* |
posted by TLT @ 11:06 pm |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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