Wednesday, November 09, 2005 |
*panick* |
argh... well today has pretty much been like every other day over the past couple of weeks in that i got up at about 9am... spent the first hour or so reading Grenz, went to a meeting, then went to another meeting, then came back and read the rest of the chapter for today of Grenz, then started my relfective report for Friday, then had a couple of hours out for dinner with dad (Pronto's *yum*), then came back and spent 2 hours in the library working, followed by another 2 hours of frantic *AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH i need to finish this essay proposal!!!!!!!!!!!!!* Blah. Now that i've finally finished the proposal (i'm convinced i've missed something, but mum seems to think it's ok) i should really start my reading for tomorrow mornings class... but i just don't see it happening... my head it killing me (just taken some pills for it and they're beginning to kick in, *bliss*) and i'm soooooooooooooo tired that you'd think i had run a marathon today! I'm sooooooo looking forward to this term being over!
anyway - dad had a dig at me that i hadn't been updating this enough recently... but i'll try and get back into the habit properly... i promise - but only as time allows!
Dad came for dinner last night and i cooked... was nice. he also gave me all the pics from the holiday... so you never know some pics may appear on here in due course... which i'm sure will be muchly funny in some cases... i've not had a chance to have a proper look through them myself yet! but there's lots *hehe*
anyway... need sleep. |
posted by TLT @ 11:34 pm |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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