Tuesday, September 06, 2005 |
*cry* |
well it seems, that is has now officially happened...
I come online to share the sad news that my laptop, mac, has now died. His hard drive just doesn't seem to be working at all, and since around 5pm last night I have been unable to revive him in any sense at all. The machine itself is still in good working order, so it is hoped that i'll be able to send him away and get him back working again after the probable replacement of his 'heart' though this will have to be confirmed... and is likely to be an extremely expensive process... but unfortunately necessary as I use my laptop constantly for work amd college as well as leisure.
Currently i'm sitting at a scaffy pc in the youth min room which is chronically slow, has a dumpy keyboard and doesn't even display the 'floating' pictures above properly... it's a sad day... Well i just hope and pray that i have my wee computer back and with a full bill of health by the time i start back classes in October... otherwise this year could be a bumpy ride *blah*
Anyway... off to do some work... just because i don't have a working laptop anymore doesn't mean to say all work stops... just means i have to use this scaffy computer instead AND make sure i've done everything i need to do by 5pm in order to be sure that i don't get locked in/locked out of the youth min room... ach i miss my computer already *cries*
oh the happiness of convenience!!! *lol* |
posted by TLT @ 12:41 pm |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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