Sunday, August 21, 2005 |
back to the heart of worship... |
am sitting watching my latest dvd purchase... Matt Redman's "facedown" - already had the cd, but the dvd had extra stuff which looked good, so i bought. *thinks to self that she needs to stop spending money* but anyway... have also been burning more dvds... have gone through a grand total of FOUR which decided they didn't want to write properly, but did actually start writing therefore leaving me with 4 useless dvds. *doh* anyway - so i've been writing wee letters to put in with some of them... so i've got 2 envelopes ready to post so far...
*long gap where she wanders off to do other things and talk to other people, oh, and mack makes her update her GJ journal*
so what was i saying... ah yes... 12 down, 9 to go. mmm am very tired. think i was up late last night or something... also am quite thirsty - lol. yeah so anyway, not much else to report i'm afraid... my life seems to be revolving around burning dvds for the moment... and as of 2moro it will be revolving around work... although i get to go over to Broxburn for G's birthday on Tuesday *bounces* so that will be fun *hehe*
right ok.. getting sleepy...
nite. |
posted by TLT @ 10:30 pm |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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