Tuesday, August 16, 2005 |
heyho. |
righty ho... so it's been a busy and tiring week. So i'm now home in Kemnay to recover. but it was an amazing week as usual... God showed his faithfulness to a team that really were working to depend on him for everything. I must admit that there had been the worry that with it being a young team that it might lack maturity and focus, but it was quickly clear that this wouldn't be an issue, and prayer and worship quickly became the central way to focus on God throughout the week.
But yeah, for those of you who don't know... I was on mission in Cumnock. We were working in the Netherthird area which is a poorer and more deprived area of cumnock and so the young people we were working with were mostly tough kids who were constantly acting up against each other, and the language was colourful at the best of times... BUt it was good. And God did so much... at one point 2 of the guys which had been barred for bad behaviour were asking Phil to read the bible... so yeh. was pretty exciting. Just a shame that they didn't have something like this all of the time for these individuals, coz they really need it.
There were also many pranks over the weeks... mostly guys v. girls... most amusing. oh yes... and the sweetie kidnappers... i wonder who that could have been??? *hehe*
but yeah. all round it was a great week... and i think my fave part was probably watching the younger team members especially grow spiritually and in confidence over the week. *grin* God is good. |
posted by TLT @ 10:30 am |
wow, cumnock was just awesome. God's so amazing! thanks for bein a grand care group leader xxx
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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wow, cumnock was just awesome. God's so amazing!
thanks for bein a grand care group leader xxx