Thursday, July 21, 2005 |
*HP6 Spoilers... if you haven't read the book then don't read this!* |
right well got back from Keswick this evening... to 28 emails no less *lol* ah well... so spent a fair bit of time sorting through them... not replied to anything as yet though as i'm still 'on holiday'... but yeah. Was a good few days. We had a laugh and it was nice and relaxing....
i also got my hands on my harry potter book... and i'm about to rant and rave a bit as i finished reading it about an hour ago... so if you haven't read it or are currently reading it and don't want it spoiled, then you have been fore-warned not to read any further...
right ok... well during this read i've felt genuine excitement, frustration, disbelief, mourning, and a total inability to put the book down at times... i have to say that i was completely gutted when Snape turned out to be bad... i have to admit that i kept trying to make myself believe that he was acting 'undercover' at the start of the book and that he wasn't as bad as it seemed, i was proved wrong though *sob* poor Dumbledore... what will they do without him?!?! and i sooooooo saw the HBP thing coming... *lol* And what about them all deciding that they're not going back to school next year and are instead going to going looking for the Horcruxes???? *eeeeeeek* perhaps this means there is scope for not 1 more book but a couple more books? Its just sooooo annoying knowing that JK Rowling probably hasn't even starting writin the next and last (?) book yet and i can't read it *doh*
but yeah i think this may indeed be my fave of the lot... it was simply hilarious at times (i think my mum thought i was mad the amount of giggling i was doing on occasion) and had some romantic bits to keep it interesting, yet the characters and the plots were just as amazing as ever... yet another great book from JKR... roll on the next one!!!! (hopefully sooner rather than later) |
posted by TLT @ 1:24 am |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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