Monday, July 11, 2005 |
melting... |
man it's hot again today... i've got the window wide open and the curtains as closed as poss without blocking out the breeze altogether and my door wedged open in order to cool my room down a bit - doesn't seem to be working very well though. We may have to get a wee fan when we go to tesco on Tuesday too dad... *doh*
ah well.
was really feeling sad for Nonie and Hoggy this morning... when i logged onto the forum there were a couple of posts from Nonie. Both would bring tears to anyones eyes. She is really badly struggling with the whole thing. My mum texted me this morning and said that the accident was on the news this morning... turns out that Lucy was only 5, and the knowledge of that makes the weight in my stomach even worse. It seems so wrong, but i know that we can never understand when tradegies like these happen. We just have to cling to Christ's faithfulness and just let him heal us from within. But please do continue to remember Hoggy, Nonie and their family in your prayers.
mmm... well i had the 2 guys knocking on my door this morning and i had only just gotten up, was a tad embarassing, but oh well... and now i'm gonna clean my room a wee bitty and get it feeling a bit fresher so that its a bit more comfortable. Thinking i might buy myself some new bed covers this week... dunno yet tho. Had a look at Tescos' stuff and nothing reall y caught my eye, so i'm gonna go down to Roseby's at some point (a soft furnishings place in saucihall st that always seems to be have a clearout sale *lol* and i'll see if i see anything i like. We'll see. |
posted by TLT @ 2:37 pm |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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