Saturday, July 02, 2005 |
amusment in Glasgow... |
well if nothing has cheered you up today and you're feeling gloomy, then i'm convinced that this will have to cheer you up. Tonight was Kat's music event at her church and being the supportive friends that we are Emily and I decided to go and i dragged my bro Phil along too. It all started when we were waiting 25 mins for a 44A bus to get to Newton Mearns from the city centre... Phil's train hadn't got in until 7:20pm, and considering the event started at 7pm we were already running late *hehe*... so eventually a bus comes along and we go 100 yards and he bumps into another car. *duh* the driver then proceeds to have a heated discussion with the driver of that car and another guy about it all, meanwhile we're holding up all the traffic with total style and there's horns going off big style... well eventually they move the bus and the car to the side, but then only to have another swapping details interaction, so after all that we're proabably another 10-15mins late... meanwhile, inside the bus there's this older dude, who keeps turning round and looking at us (and pretty much everyone or thing else that move or made a noise) and tutting and shaking his head, to which Phil decides to be 'nice' to the man and starts smiling and waving at him... *hehe* ah well, you're only young once... yeah so eventually we get to the bus depot and swap drivers, but not before the two of them have a nice wee discussion about the wee accident and inspect the front of the bus *duh* meanwhile Kat fones asking where we are... and again... and again *wink*. Then G fones... *lol* Em's fone hardly stopped. but anyway, back to the amusing journey (well one of)... eventually we get to mearns cross and i'm thinking 'ah not long now' only for the new driver to take the wrong right turn, and end up taking us into a narrow road leading into a housing estate, and a dead end. Now at this point i'd like to point out that the bus we were in wasn't by any means a small bus... in fact it was a double decker. no wait, it wasn't jsut a double decker it was one of those really new ones which is longer than you're average double decker... having her do a 3 point turn in the culdi-sack while being watched by the neighbours was most amusing, especially when that old granny was looking out with disapproval... the 3 of us deicded to wave and see if she cracked a smile... didn't come though, shame that. Anyway, as the driver drove us away again, her tail between her legs, we evetnually arrived at the event... almost 2 hours late, but hey, c'est la vie... Missed Superhero, which i have to say i wasn't too disappointed at (they're not my fave band ever) but got there just in time for tbc to start. They're like a poppy dancing singing group... i thought they weren't too bad... bit cheesy in places, but it was obvisous that they were passionate about what they were doing and were passionate for Jesus and that was just really exicting to see... but anyway they taught us some cheesy dance bits, which me and Phil did, no pride kept, but the others wouldn't *rolls eyes*... but yeah they were good. Then we went into the Acoustic cafe, it was lovely 'n mellow... liked that alot. Meanwhile we had also hooked up with Suzi and her young people and Dave, so we were quite a big group.... decided to go for a bus at 10:30pm, only to end up being eaten alive by midges for another 15 mins waiting for a bus that never came... oh the midges... let's just take a second to reflect on them *itches*. We must have looked a right state... we all had hoods up and were itching *urgh* there were swarms of them... but anyway eventually we give in and decide that there's no way we're waiting anymore, and so decide to run across the road so that we can get a bus going in the other direction (of course knowing that it would soon be looping back into the city), but the driver was grumpy. really grumpy. So getting on the bus in the first place was a big enough challenge!!!! but anyway, once we got on half of Suzi's kids went upstairs, where as we 'adults' remained downstairs. After a bit of a stop at the end of route, we headed off again in the direction of the city, amusingly enough only to loop back and go past the church again. By this time it's 11pm and the event is just finishing, so of course we did our complimentary wave in their direction *hehe* 30 mins after we had left them in the first place... was sooooo funny. So yeah, was pretty quiet for a bit after that except for the fact we sat and moaned at the bus drivers assumptions that we were YOBs *not impressed*. Until... the buzzer starts going off and for some reason (me thinks he's still assuming that we're troublemakers and pressing it for fun) he keeps driving and doesn't stop. but the thing is that it turns out that there's a very drunk lady upstairs with the kids and SHE'S the one pressing the button, but won't go downstairs until the bus stops uncase she falls, but of course we're still left thinking that maybe its one of Suzi's kids pushing it... so Suzi sends up one of the other kids to 'tell them off' but it continues, at which point Phil appears with this lady after helping her down the stairs... meanwhile she's taking a mental at the bus driver screaming at him that he's gone way past her stop... (which he must have gone 2-3 stops past it by now.) he stops at the next one, but in her drunken state she doesn't know how to get back to where she needed to be, so the 2 of them are shouting at each other *what joy* eventually he gets her off the bus and then drives off, leaving her in hysterics at the side of the road 'lost'. blah. so yeah, after that it was pretty uneventful except for the fact that Dave missed the last bus back to Prestwick by minutes, so he came back with us and has grabbed a room here for the night. but yeah, so with that adventure and the unexplained 'going off' of the burglar alarm when we got back it has indeed been an interesting and far from dull evening. In fact we have the girls from tbc staying in the building tonight... i'm pretty sure that they think i'm insane... i wonder how far from the truth that is??? ah well... maybe i'll be able to show them that i am actually sane tomorrow sometime seeing as they're staying tomorrow night too *hehe*
here endeth my account of our wild adventures *grin* |
posted by TLT @ 1:29 am |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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