Wednesday, June 22, 2005 |
Day off... *haha* |
yeah so today is meant to be my 'day off' but so far i've been trying to get in contact with Iain (who it turns out is in Crieff so i'll have to wait until either tonight or tomorrow anyway) coz he's signed me up for something (and my kids who i'd like to point out probably would NOT have been happy with it) at a big Church of Scotland event in September, even though he knows that i'm going to be in Dundee that weekend. Have been a bit miffed about it, but anyway i'll speak to him later about it.
Also been sorting out Youth articles for the next church magazine, which isn't until Autumn sometime, but I wanted to get the young folk writing them sooner rather than later so that i'm not asking them at the last minute and getting them and myself stressed. Got 10 possible articles, some of which i'll get them to do for the Christmas edition, but i think we'll make a good appearance in the magazine over the next year *grin*. At least the church won't be able to plead ignorance to the stuff that we do.
Anyway the plan for the rest of the day... well i don't really have one. Cleaned my room last night, and i mean REALLY cleaned it... i even cleaned the windows!!!!! SO it's nice and clean now except from 2 piles of booklets and papers that i need to file... But i've decided that i can do that tomorrow cos today is my rest day. Think i'll probably head down to the shops at some point to put money into the bank 'n many do some shopping, but I think i'll leave that till later when it'll hopefully be cooler coz the sun's out pretty strong at the moment and my skin is more sensitive than it used to be *doh*.
anyway - later. |
posted by TLT @ 12:59 pm |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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