Sunday, July 10, 2005 |
Hot... |
man its soooooo hot out... and i'm still a tad tired from the last 2 days... but it's been good. The Graduation was good yesterday, but it was sooooooooo hot - Kat and I were betting to see which lecturer we thought was going to flop first, coz if we were hot then they couldn't have been to far off of collapsing in the heat with their heavy robes on. Was good though. *bounces* then we went to chinese with G and his family for dinner, was good, although by the end i was feeling so tired and dizzy from the heat that i was dying to get back... was good though. We went to Starbucks on the way up and we strolled up Buchanan street and I bought myself my first ever frappacino - was good. Got a new mint one - was nicccccce *grin* then after that i made G's grandad a thank you card coz he wouldn't let us pay for our dinner and bought it for us... he was sooo nice. yeah so i caught up with Haz after that and then this missionary lady Mary was there and she was showing us pics from her recent trip to the Holy Land... i think i'd like to go there some time... not sure i'd cope with the heat though!!! But anyway, then me Daniel, Haz and Andy all went out for a stroll to show Daniel some of the centre of Glasgow... and me and Haz were checking all the Sales windows... there was a shop with some coooool chucks!!! Was most impressed. But yeah, it was a lovely night... we were all out in tshirts 'n stuff... but when we got back i was just wrecked... so it was just a case of flopping into bed and off into the land of nodd i went.... nice long sleep though!!!!!
but this morning it was SSS again. Was good, although i wasn't leadin this morning, it was Ann. But i was helping, although she didn't delegate out much which was find by me. Was good though... was all about the things we do wrong and God forgiveness 'n stuff. the material we're using this year really seems to be working welll *grin*. not many kids today though... all the folks are away on holiday! so yeah. It's still really hot here, but i think i'm gonna go see if i can get me some fresh food from Tesco's seeing as i have a bus ticket today. Dunno what i'm gonna do for the rest of the week as all of my young people are away at the moment... maybe i'll do something with them at the end of the week before some of them head off to SU camp, but we'll see. Just lots of time to prep for the new session i guess... I'm def thinking we need a discipleship group for the more serious young people... but i really need people to come forward who would be willing to help lead it. Prayer for that would be good.
anyway - i'm off to brave the heat - again *hehe* |
posted by TLT @ 3:43 pm |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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