Monday, July 11, 2005 |
*increased heart rate from fear* |
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek. Well much to say and i should really be sleeping but oh well...
well first of all some sad news... a couple i know through mission's niece was killed in a quad bike accident tonight.. i'm not sure how old she was but i'm pretty definite she couldn't have been older than 10 - of course i may be wrong.... so prayers going up for her family.
on a much lighter note... well yeah, went to speak to G and he told me about this huge moth which had flown into his room, and he'd switched off all the lights in stuff and left the room in the hope that it would fly back out.... so yeah we'd thought it had gone, but i was sitting chatting to him about stuff and i happened to glance up at the curtain and 'found' the moth *eeeeeek* at this point i sorta freaked and ran out the room cause it was HUGE... i.e. easily 6cm wingspan!!!!! *aaaaaaaah* so yeah, at this G then freaks out because he doesn't like it either, so we faff about and theres a few more running in and out of the room screaming.. and yes it was after midnight but luckily there's not really anyone around in the flat now coz graduation is over. well in a nut shell, we look to see if there's anyone else about who will come and 'deal' with it and meanwhile G considers other rooms which he can stay in for the night (yes it bothered him THAT much - i told you the moth was huge!!!) we can't find anyone, so we go and drag Kat out of bed (although she was actually watching Stargate not sleeping, so don't feel sorry for her) only to find that she too has a major problem with giant bat like moths and so there's some more prodding at the moth in the hope that it flies away and then running out of the room screaming... eventually Abe comes back from having a shower and litterally goes and picks the thing up and chucks it out of the room, meanwhile Kat, G and I make a run for it... in fact Kat and I kept going until we had run into her room and she'd locked the door.
so yeah, i guess we've now lost any crediability we had with Abe. What joy. ah well... at least my heart rate has now returned to normal... bedtime. |
posted by TLT @ 1:49 am |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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