Friday, August 19, 2005 |
much to do... but still waiting. |
well yeah, still waiting for the compression to finish... still for 10.5 hours... blah. so it'll be late tonight before i'll be able to start doing anything, which kinda sucks. But i have to admit, it'll be worth it *grin*
ah well... off to take Phil into town to pick up his 'girl friend' soon.. although got a few things to do before that. woop. might go shopping while i'm in town.. we'll see *grin* sales *yip yip*
ah yes and today is Phil's birthday... he SOMEHOW managed to open my present in front of me without me challenging him to wait till dad was back later, but ah well... he gave me a huge hug for it.. *hehe* was quite funny last night actually coz i cama back and had already bought all of his pressies, and he asked me if Coach Carter was a good film coz he'd decided he wanted to buy it coz he hadn't seen it at the cinema and he thought it looked good... what he didn't know was that i had just bought it for him as part of his present just a few hours prior *hehe*.. so he was well pleased when he opened it and gave me the biggest hug *hehe*. it's all good... that's what birthday and giving pressie's is all about *grin*
but yeah.. no idea what the plans for the rest of the evening will be. I guess they'll have band practice - i dunno though. |
posted by TLT @ 2:45 pm |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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