Tuesday, August 30, 2005 |
Xmen |
ooops has been a while since i last posted... have been posting on my church journal so i suppose it's not a total loss... you'd jsut have to be reading that too *hehe* Am sitting watching Xmen2 for the second night running... well sorta - i started watchin it last night but didn't finish it.... but it's a good movie *grin*
so yeah, what's been happening... well friday i went to the cinema like all day... or at least i got up late and htne went to the shops and then to the cinema, and stayed there for the remained of the day... saw 3 films... *thinks* Herbie reloaded, Bewitched and finally Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - was happy enough watching each of them although i have to say that i think i prefer the original Charlie and the Chocolate factory film... This one was a tad weird in my opinion...
Then saturday i spent most of the day doing prep me thinks...
and of course Sunday i was at work in the morning... it was the last Summer Sunday School (and almost definitely my last ever at Kenmure *yay*) spent most of my time trying to get the wee hyper kids to be quiet... i really do have a strong dislike for Childrens work... i am NOT a children's worker!!!!!! So yeah, it's over. Then spent the afternoon lying down on my bed trying to prevent a headache from coming to anything too huge... succeeded and headed to Catalyst with a couple of the young folk (and Sheena 'n George)... apparently the old worship leader resigned, which meant there was a new guy... he was ok... but the band lost him a couple of times and the folk doing the powerpoint really weren't on the ball... it was good though... and they sang 'How great is our God?' which is like my fave song of the moment... but yeah. was good.
today i've spent the WHOLE day doing prep, and then headed out to work at 6pm and didn't get back until after 11pm coz i had youth band, and then afterward had a music meeting with other folk from the church *duh*. Was an ok meeting... and if things are actually put into action this time then i think the church may move forward considerably with regards to technology and it's variety of worship... but yeah. The youth band have been given a date for leading the worship for an evening service (6th November) which is quite exciting... will be a lot of work though i reckon... but who said this job was easy?! *hehe*
yus so anyway - like i said i'm watching Xmen 2 at the mo. very good movie *grin* i guess i should be heading towards the land of nodd soon though... |
posted by TLT @ 1:10 am |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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