Wednesday, September 14, 2005 |
back to the land of the living... |
NYA was fabby this weekend... as challenging, controversial, and yet in some ways spiritual... was also a great social weekend and was extremely relaxed... was fabby.
not gonna write a huge post on it just now though - mostly coz i just can't be bothered... you never know though, you may get a very deep thinking post some time in the near future coz there's a few things bothering me about the weekend and somethings that folks have said to me since...
but that aside, got back from NYA on Monday night and me and heather headed straight to work...was wrecked by the time i got home! was good though... slept most of yesterday to try and catch up on my sleep (had slept only about 10 hours over 3 nights at the weekend!!) and had an easy day before heading off to work last night. Inspired and the Youth Band were doing a demo for the Junior GB which was fun *hehe* and then i headed back here 'n crashed again. Watched ER till late though *oops*
but yeah, my laptop died again this morning... think dad and i are going to give up on it this time and just replace the harddrive which sorta sucks coz it means that for the rest of the weekend i'll be stuck installing software and stuff onto it in order to get it back to normal. *blah*
but yeh... whatever. but tonight should be fun - am going to see the African Children's Choir at Findlay Memorial Church with some friends - I reckon it'll be great!!! Really need to go and get me some cash though... used my last fiver to get washing tokens this morning, which incidentally i still need to use... man i'm just being sooooo lazy!!! *lol* |
posted by TLT @ 2:07 pm |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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