Saturday, November 12, 2005 |
good days... |
today has been incredibly tiring but really good... the coffee morning today was great... everything just went soooo well and the power stayed on too which was an added bonus - God is good....
In fact, so far we've raised over £300 which is just awesome... never imagined to make so much!!! The kids did so well and everyone worked as a team and really shone for God. It was great *grin*
but anyway - once mum 'n dad went home i ended up crashing... fell asleep 'n dozed while watching friends for a bit.... hehe... ah well - then Em 'n I headed off to the cinema for the evening... today's choices were, wallace and gromit and 'in her shoes'... wallace and gromit was good as usual good humour - liked it muchly... and i think 'in her shoes' will be one that i'll be buying when it comes out on DVD - i think it's a really good film...
but yeah. Have just been watching some of the DVDs i've created over time which show all the activies we've gotten up to at Kenmure over the past 2 years... it's really weird to think that i won't be here this time next year and of course the fact that i don't even know where i'll be... I guess that's just part of faith tho... :)
oop. Christmas song just came on *hehe* - according to Pamela its 41 days... oh man that's sad... and i have soooo much happening between now and then!!!! One step at a time though huh? anyway - tomorrow is gonna be averagely busy... Got church in the morning - Rememberance Service, so no prep for me *grin* and then back to work early at night coz the youth band are playing... prayers for that would really be appreciated, that it would go well and that folks would be patient with the kids...
yeh... so i'm gonna potter about for a bit and then head to bed... hope you're all well 'n happy *grin* |
posted by TLT @ 11:17 pm |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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