Friday, November 18, 2005 |
*thoughts* |
hmmm... My supervisor said something to me last night - and although it didn't particularly bother me so much last night and doesn't really bother me now, it's still not sitting right with me... and i really don't know why coz i mean as far as i'm concerned he doesn't really know what he's talking about when it comes to this sort of thing... Well at least he'd think that he does, but i guess that's a differing in opinion which is bound to happen... but it's just, och i dunno...
Basically, we were talking about how the Youth service on Sunday night went... now i should at this point tell you that he, recently, has sort been the person 'leading' the worship... He sings and plays his guitar at most of the services... although I personally, as an individual who has a great passion for worship through music and having had many great experiences when it comes to worship would argue that (despite his opinions) he's not a worship leader. Yes he can lead the congregation in singing songs and give them a vocal lead... but as time goes on i'm beginning to believe that to lead worship in the most unrestricted and open sense you need to have that 'gift' and in him i just don't see it... doesn't mean that what he does is less adequate or anything, but it's just a case of, i dunno... i don't want to sound judgemental, but the way the kids and i lead worship i could see that he would be 'uncomfortable' because we just worship God openly and in so dong so lead the congregation with us... which is something he's commented to me about before when we were at a catalyst when he told me that he thought people were 'showing off' in raising their hands in the first few songs, which i was like how can you judge like that?!?!?!?! i mean i have no quams about raising hands, going down on my knees, whatever i feel like i'm moved to do at the time... BUT Kenmure is a more traditional church and i rarely see acts of 'emotion' amongst the folk. Doesn't mean that there is no emotion, and i realise that, but that doesn't mean that acts of emotion showed be frowned upon when they occured either...
I mean Sunday night was amazing... It's the first time that i've personally felt liberated in worship at Kenmure... the same for the young people... and for the first time i saw quite a few people raising their hands in worship to God during the songs which we played... and when some particular individuals came up to me at the end they were just so excited that the service had happened 'n stuff... Even the more skeptical were just glowing from the experience.
but back to my supervisors comment... He told me that he felt that "Blessed be Your name" in a word 'flopped' a bit... (which in honesty i didn't think it had... in fact that was one of the songs i got postive comments about from one of the more skeptical folks...) He went on to say that he didn't feel that some songs translated well from Album to church (which i laughed at - although in my head, not out loud), which i was just like "whit?!", and then proceeded to tell him that i don't even HAVE that song on an album... I've only learned it through singing it at other worship events with the young people.... *lol* he then sort of went on to explain, what i sorta felt was a harsh comment and said that he felt it was a bit long for church and i was like well that's just how long the song is... aparently he felt it was a bit 'bitty' coz there's a brigde 'n stuff... *shakes head*... but i mean that just points out to me that he just doens't understand... The purpose of the young people playing at church is to share the passion for worship which God has put in each of their hearts. Their contribution was never MEANT to be like a 'normal' service... it's meant to be them showing the congregation how we worship every Monday night... and if he missed that, then it's something he should perhaps think over...
anyway... i dunno... this is just life at Kenmure i guess... it ain't all a bed of roses you know... in fact it's hardly ever a bed of roses *lol* but that's just ministry *wink*
this all asside i woke up to the builders building scaffolfing outside my windoww again this morning *isn't impressed* just in time for me to be writing essays again *grrrrrrrr* they're sooooo noisy and sooooooo nosey... so you can be betting that i won't be opening my curtains until they disappear again... although it's not looking hopeful this will be soon coz they've got a portahut with them this time :( ah well... need to go - much to do today... |
posted by TLT @ 10:28 am |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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