Tuesday, November 22, 2005 |
beginning to breath again... |
Well today as you have already gathered has been yet again one of madness... i spent most of it studying for this ethics essay, and then got very confused as to what i was ACTUALLY meant to be doing for the essay coz the course leader completely confused me... I mean i was REALLY confused... so i went and found him and got him to explain to me exactly what he wanted in the essay... so yeah... i think i got my head around it eventually... but of course didn't have long before i headed out to work. Dad picked me up and we went to Costco's for dinner... and I started my christmas shopping!!!! *hehe* well sorta... we had a chicken bake each - never had one of them before - they're actually really nice!!!! So yeh... poor dad had to endure my constant grumbling about the issues that are currently buggin me in life at the moment... *poor him* but I think that i was just stressed with so much going on... anyway - so go to work... had a 'confidential' meeting with George... which was really funny because when anyone ever walked into the room both of us would immediately stop talking... but yeh... we gave up in the end and went into another room coz Gillian arrived to set up her drums... but yeh... So the meeting was ok... didn't really tell me anything new in all honesty...
So then was Youth Band... Was good... and i sorta randomly gave them this pep talk about how just because other people in the church don't 'get' or understand the type of worship that the young people do doesn't mean to say that the young people should change... and that they shouldn't let themselves be moulded into what the church already has... so yeah... but apart from that they girls decided that they're up for doing a Christmas Carol at the Agape meal... they decided to opt for the easy song 'Away in a Manger' - but i think we're gonna try some harmonies with it.. it'll be the first time that the girls have really attempted harmonies before now... but i think that's quite exciting in a way *grin*. Other than that we had a great night of playing songs 'n praying and it was just fabby...
then i got home... and guess what??? I studied for this blimin' essay... see if i don't pass i may indeed cry. it's after 1am and i'm tired and i ache... but i've written over 1,000 words of a 1,200 word essay... and i think i've more or less formed my arguments... So it just means that after my brain dump of tonight, that the next 2 days are going to be me tearing it to shreads and putting it back together again... should be fun i'm sure. i think it'll be amusing to read it tomorrow... it never ceases to amaze me how something sounds so good the night before, and then you read it the next day and it just sounds like absolute pants.
anyway - my bed is calling... |
posted by TLT @ 1:10 am |
Might want to consider the tune that Evie uses for Away in Manger - its a nice change!
*hmmm* i can't actually think what that goes like off the top of my head... i think the kids want to stick with the 'known' - we don't have all that long for them to learn it.. i don't know though i may be wrong.
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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Might want to consider the tune that Evie uses for Away in Manger - its a nice change!