Friday, November 25, 2005 |
*sooooooo tired* |
it's been a mixed day... been working away steadily although didn't really do much for my next assignment except read the passage (Romans 8:1-17 if anyone's interested) a few times and then got get some books from the Library on Paul and Romans and that's pretty much it... not feeling overly inspired by it at the moment in all honesty - but then i'm normal like that when it comes to an exegesis... I'll still down and do some serious work tomorrow though... things with Exegesis' are that they are a process... you got to do quite a bit of prep before you you write... but once you start writing you can just keep going... well usually anyway. So yeah that'll be one of my major things for tomorrow... Anyway - like i said got a lot of other things done... got a lot of paperwork sorted and filed - had a HUGE pile from like since before the summer... shocking i know! But yeah... So then i came across this convo about faith and whether there was one god or many gods and whether Christianity was just one of many faiths that got you to heaven... and i'm not going to lie, i was finding the whole thing abosulely frustrating coz Yin was completely putting words in my mouth and being completely patronising and so unbelievably liberal!!!!!!! I cracked... just left it... (they were all being completely pluralistic btw and saying that if you're a hindu then you'd still get to heaven 'n stuff) - so frustrating... then headed off to the cinema only to walk down in the wet to find that the film we wanted to see was full *wasn't impressed* and there wasn't really anything else... atlhough i would quite happily have seen HP4 again - but emily wanted to come home again... so home we came... so like i say... ended up working 'n filing stuff instead... not the most amusing evening, but that's how it goes i suppose... gotta be up early-ish tomorrow - Guild coffee morning... i'm sure that'll be amusing - fresh baking never goes wrong *grin*
anyway... i should go... before i wake up too much. |
posted by TLT @ 11:15 pm |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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