Friday, January 05, 2007 |
back in glasgow |
Got back into Glasgow a couple of hours ago... slowly trying to find new homes for all of the new stuff i got for christmas and what not... it was good to be home for a bit... now just got to get myself back to being focused on work though... just gonna chill tonight though 'n 'hit the books' so to speak tomorrow i think... well i'll have to *heh* got prep to do for Sunday morning and Sunday night *wooop* it'll be nice to see all of the yp again =)
What has happened over the past while i hear you ask?
Well... I went home on Christmas eve in time for Christmas... was at my aunt's for Christmas dinner on Christmas day... i got a freezer from Santa *grins*
uh... other seeing of peeps, and general resfulness as i was actually feeling quite ill at times... by the time i had gone home i was full of the cold... lovely gunk in my chest 'n all that jazz... and my headaches certainly didn't let up while i was away either *what joy* so yeh...
Hogamany, we just had our usual open house which was the usual laugh =) And then New Years Day dinner at Fiona's - her first Christmas meal - was nice too *grins*.
This morning however was a very early start... 5:30am no less! but the reason for that was because we had to be in Edinburgh for 10am for a friends funeral. Cath Horne... she was our next door neighbour when we lived in Tweedbank... she was a great lady... Always greeted life with a smile. I've not seen her for a couple of years, but i'll miss her, loads. She'll be happy now though =) So much to be learned from her, even now that she has gone... |
posted by TLT @ 4:29 pm |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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