Am really quite tired today... took me a while to persude myself to get up... Heads been a lot better since yesterday though... Not good as it has been in the past, but much better after those tests on Wednesday - seems they really aggravated my head. But yeh, have to get my head down to some prep for our Glenshee youth weekend today... =) Am quite looking forward to it... am slightly concerned that it'll completely wreck me, but i know my limits and will be sticking to them!

This is the Compass Christian centre in Glenshee... Where we shall be spending the weekend *grins* is looking good! There's loads of activities i have to say... There's like 3 3 hour sessions and then a 2 hour session of activities over the weekend, so that's the most part what we'll be doing... I can pretty guarantee that the yp will be wrecked by the time we get back!!! (as well as the leaders of course *wink*)
But yeh i'm looking forward to it now... this time in 2 weeks i'll be doing some random activity like crate climing or wall climing *hehe* scary biscuits... we apparently gained another 2 yp who have decided their coming now too which is good... =) I'm just hoping that everyone gels together... my real hope is that everyone leaves feeling as though they belong and have had a worthwhile experience (apart from the activities)... I hope the teaching is helpful... to both those who are Christians and those who aren't, and those who are sitting on the fence.
Prayer for all of this would be more than be welcome!Labels: activities, Compass Christian Centre, Glenshee, tired, unity |
hee! This sounds exciting! Prayers xxx