Well today is my 'day off'... So i'm currently in bed... relaxing... abbie is faffing about in the hall... we've both had breakfast... i'm quite happy chillin in bed, and she's quite happy playing with her toys... it's nice to just be able to be still for a wee bit. Was at the doc yesterday, and he thought that maybe the medication i was on for my headaches was what is causing the fatigue... so i've to stop taking that... *doh*
annnnnnnnnnyway... Had a good meeting with my line manager on monday morning, so that was good... Been working away as usual over the past few days since i got back from being up north for the wedding which is good... Finally got round to getting the forms for changing my address for the bank *heh* and sending out the rest of the DVDs i had from mission... ooo and i spent a good while yesterday cleaning up my desk, which malachi still hasn't gone back through to... *lol* But yeh.
I have a very nice daddy *grins* he did my ironing last night *grins* which was very nice of him. He shouldn't have, but it was nice of him anyway.
Anyway.... here is the point which i name and shame Tesco... on Monday night after I got back from work, dad and I headed into Tesco to get some fresh food etc... and this is what we were greeted with...

Am I the only person that is disgusted with Tesco having Christmas advent calanders and selection boxes so soon?!Labels: christmas, headache, tesco |
Will chemist @ Burghmuir has been selling christmas cards for about 3 weeks now!! x