So much to say... so little time to say it...
Abbie is wonderful. lol. She came to work with me on Thursday and had a great time with the young people. They were out doing a photo scavanger hunt, so she went out with one of the groups. To say that she was tired when we got back doesn't even come close! *lol* Needless to say... she was flaked out on the cushion before long *heheh* She's been doing really well actually... working into my sleep pattern very well!!! *hehe* Hasn't made a peep until almost 9am in the last two days *grins*
But yeh... I ache all over. *meh* Was at a fundraiser ceilidh last night... it was good, but i'm suffering for it today. Well more than usual anyways. I'm actually currently procrastinating from doing prep for tomorrow which i really should be doing... i now have some ideas... but i need time for them to mull around my head before i do anything further. Someone else is speaking at bible class, although I know that they won't do the whole session, so have no idea how long i will need to fill. I'm thinking i'm gonna do something brief on the importance of our bibles and actually using them etc though... we'll see. Also got stuff to do for tomorrow night, but thats probably best left until tomorrow afternoon anyways. We're having a discussion with the discipleship group on what the church is... we've invited edlers too... should be interesting. Really need wisdom in how to guide it though... so prayer wouls muchly be appreciated.
hmmmm. Man i'm tired. Am out again tonight though. This time its thanksgiving and i'm taking a couple of the yp with me... *heheh* hopefully it'll be good. There's been a lot of unrest about bigger impact this year coz the new MC has changed it, which is a shame i admit, although i understand why he's done what he has... just perhaps not the best timing. *hmmm* But anyway, i'm hoping that won't taint what i hope to be a good evening with friends. Need to try and do some baking for that. it'll be timing permitting though. Am going out to tesco soon, and then picking the yp up just after 5 sometime. *heh*
oooo... abbie's trying to get comfy on her bean bag... *hehe* best £26 i ever spent. She loves it.
Oh man... was watching this program on tv this morning... it was called something like 'my sweet 16' or something, and it was basically about all these rich girls who got their parents to fund like $200,000 parties for them and like get 'celebrities' to go to them 'n stuff... one of the girls was like 'yeh it was nothing special, pretty much how i expected' and i'm like 'what?!' some folk are just sooooo unbelieveably self-consumed. but yus... i should go now... am going to tesco soon.Labels: Abbie, church, Impact |
hello hello. was so good to see you last night :)also, abbie is cute.
take care. love and prayers.