Tuesday, April 08, 2008 |
it's been a while |
Well it's been a while which is just appalling to be honest, but that's just how busy things have been - and it's set to be slightly worse for the first couple of weeks when I get back... It'll hopefully calm down a bit after that though. At the moment though i'm up in Kemnay with Abbie having a well deserved relax... I think both abbie and I have done a lot of sleeping (thats exactly what she's doing at the moment *heheh*) I'm currently working on my 'knit your own shaun the sheep' which is probably driving mum up the wall, but i'm getting there... done his hair, his head and just almost finished his tail (it's not a normal cast off like i learned to do yesterday therefore i'm having to wait til mum comes home to get her to show me before i can move on doing ears - perhaps i shall take it with me in the car so i can start the ears!!! *heheh*) But yes - we had SNOW the other day which was very cool - i was quite disappointed though coz it didn't lie long enough for us to build some snow dogs *heheh* It's falling as sleet at the moment -i'm sure that will be interesting for us driving up the road *heh* ooooo it's more snow-like now!!!! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep! ALthough was watching the news last night and they were up the cairngorms (because of the wee plane crash) and it was AMAZING snow up there! So jealous! lol ANyway - i am currently writing to you from my new laptop (which still needs to be named)... Unfortunately poor Amos was beginning to die... too slow for the stuff i needed him for 'n on occasion was just dying on me for no reason.... He's still alive though and is capable of all the things that folk would usually use a computer for i.e. internet, word processing etc - so if anyone wants him...? right well i think i'm going to get abbie out for a walk - tire her out before we head up to Grandma 'n Grandas *grins* x |
posted by TLT @ 11:05 am |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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