Saturday, March 27, 2004 |
Mmmmmmmmmm... I bought mini chocolate cake from ASDA last night, and between Kathryn, Zoe and myself we totally devoured it!!! *shame* Was gooooooood though... Why can't we have an ASDA nearby :-( We just have stinky Tesco or Sainsbury's... doh! Ah well...
The Library is a bit more sane this morning. We ended up going to see the midnight showing of 'Dawn of the Dead' last night... was quite good actually... although, mum, it really wasn't your kind of film - hehehehe... Ooooooooh and I bought the 'The Passion of the Christ' soundtrack... hopefully it'll arrive soon :-)
Anyway - i suppose i should go and do some more of this essay... need more motivation!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
posted by TLT @ 12:23 pm |