Thursday, November 04, 2004 |
(music - La la la la lemon, BNL)
ARRRRRRRRRRRRRGH! Didn't get much sleep last night :-(, and then to make that even worse i woke up at 9:11am and then panicked because i had to be in class for 9:15am! ARGH! Well needless to say i wasn't really late for class, but have been shattered since... Skipped worship to get a shower and freshen up myself and see if that would wake me up a bit, and i suppose it did a bit. Hopefully this means i WILL sleep tonight and that i'll be able to get to sleep at a decent time... well i suppose we can always live in hope *rolls eyes*. I think it's pretty serious when a visiting lecturer asks if you're ok coz you don't look very well - ACH well... I'm sure i've looked worse - LOL!
Anyway so i'm quite cranky in some ways today - and was a bit mean to Emily when she came into my room 20 mins ago... Granted she did knock, but then she didn't wait for me to answer the door or say 'come in' before she barged in so i feel sorta justified in my complaint at her doing so... To be honest i'd like nothing more that to just crawl into my bed right now... i'm sure that my next class is going to be extremely interesting with me trying to concentrate! Argh and straight after college i have to head right out to B'Briggs on the bus for a 'working dinner' with Sheena before i then head off to Inspired.. doh! So i'm going to be knackered by the time i get home.
Anyway - random moan over -
Blessings of the day have to be...
The books i order 4 weeks ago have FINALLY come from amazon - they're CORE texts for one of my classes... So i was sorta needing them - so that's good...
Another blessing has to be the strong sun that shon (sp?) into my room this morning, thus waking me up at 9:11am - had it not done so then i could very well still be asleep in my bed not knowing that I'd missed a whole morning of classes - lol.
Also i'm really feeling blessed by some of my young people at the moment - they're fabby!
Anyway - i should go and get all my stuff ready for later.
posted by TLT @ 1:26 pm |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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