Sunday, December 05, 2004 |
(music - My heart will go on, Celine Dion, Titanic (in my head))
well what can i say... I managed to finish my essay earlier on today and within the last hour i have also managed to get the bibliography and references done so it's ready to print - *WOOT!* One less thing to worry about!!!! And i'm pretty satisfied with it, so I at least know that i've tried my hardest! Let's just hope i at least pass it!
Now for the next essay... Will probably look at the question for IT tomorrow so that i can start thinking about it and probably start studying for it on Monday (it's due a week on Monday - 14th). Hopefullu it won't be quite as difficult as the one i've just done... she says *rolls eyes*.
Anyway - drama tonight at the cinema... went to see 'surviving Christmas' (which was ok i guess) and about 20 mins from the end they stopped the movie and we were all asked to leave the auditorium as one of the customers had 'medical issues'... From what i could see, i reckon it was due to a guy that was majorly high on drugs, but whatever... wasn't long before they let us back in and we got to see the rest of the film... (which according to Kat STILL wasn't particularly good).
Anyway - should head to bed soon - got to be up for church in the morning... |
posted by TLT @ 1:26 am |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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