Wednesday, December 01, 2004 |
(music - Home, For all you've done (hillsongs))
Maaaaaaaaaaan... given up on studying for the evening... but i managed to get through another 3 books... hmmmm... it's been an ok day. OT was quite 'boring' but was ok, and then this afternoons class was actually quite good. It was on children's development and i found it really cool, coz certain things clicked about kids that i just hadn't really though about before... plus we had baby photos *blushes*
As a break before I hit the books tonight i went to the cinema with a couple of the folk from class to see 'The Forgotten' - was quite good.. a couple of big jumpy bits though (you'd LOVE it Fi *wink*) and i could swear that Emily left an imprint on the ceiling at one point *hehe* and Hannah told me on more than one occasion 'i don't like this, i'm scared' *hehehe* was good though...
But anyway - since i got back at around 9pm, i've foned Grandma coz it's her birthday today and then checked my mail since i hadn't checked it since lunchtime and then i settled down to my study - and apart from getting a cup of coffee, i haven't moved from this spot since... back getting distinctly sore - but once i've had a good night's sleep i'll be sorted again... have to get up early tomorrow as i have a meeting with Iain at 1pm and then we might be going out to the cinema in the evening as an unwind which will be good if i manage to get a lot of study done when i'm not at the meeting... also have to remember and do my workplans and reflective reports - argh!!! So much to doooooooooooo! *sigh*
Ah well, off to bed for me, i'm leaving these guys to study in the lounge alone...
PS... IT'S THE 1ST OF DECEMBER *wooooooooooot* |
posted by TLT @ 1:31 am |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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