Monday, December 27, 2004 |
(music - none, just mum chatting to Fiona on the phone)
Today, i am going to share with you the plague of the sausages!!! (mum will kill me, but oh well *grin*)
as some of you may know, my mum was in bed with the flu on Christmas Eve, which sorta put things out of sink and had many reppercussions... One of the more unforunate ones being that on Christmas morning she put the Chippolata sausages in the oven and then, due to a lack of smell from her flu forgot about them and then produced them (they were almost unrecognisable). Let's jsut say they were a tad black and 'hard'. LOL...
Anyway - yesterday, we had Christmas meal number 2. Mum took careful care with the sausages, trying hard not to make the same mistake two days in a row... And so, with my help we managed to produce perfectly browned, but not burnt sausages, for the perfect Christmas meal... *grin*... however, we went to my Auntie Elizabeths yesterday, and there was a lot of too-ing and fro-ing from the hostess trolley where all the food was being kept warm... I saw Kristina, my cousin put the bowl of sauages quite precariously in the trolley and go away again, quite satisfied that it would stay where she had put it... then about 5 minutes later, I was quite amused when my uncle came along and opened the door to the hostess trolley, and yes, you can guess what happened... The pyrex bowl of sausages, smashed into a thousand pieces on the floor... and that was the end of the sausages... was all very amusing... but with both of these incidents in mind, i think i have reached the conclusion that mother's sausages were plagued this year....
I wonder if we will be able to have any at hogmany and new year's day??? hmmm... Watch this space *wink* |
posted by TLT @ 1:10 pm |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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