Tuesday, January 11, 2005 |
(music - everyday, unified praise)
right well today has been a good day i guess... nothing to complain about *grin* except the fact that i woke up at 5:40am and didn't really manage to get to sleep again after that!!! Doh! But anyway, yeah, it was good... Started our church history class today and were looking at the history of the church and how it has evolved in britain in the 18th century... i thought i was going to find this class boring, but it was actually good today *grins*.
Forgot i was meant to be co-leading fellowship group with Holly today, but it was ok, coz Gus had been to nigeria last time, so he just talked about that - which was really interesting... i think i'd like to go to africa sometime in the future... one day maybe.
Oooooooooooh, i got my stuff through from Apple today *grin* - i bought a new power adapter for my laptop (the other one still works, but it looks a bit squished, so i'm not convinced it will last - besides, it's handier having 2 adapters) and also isight, which is the mac version of a webcam - very clear and groovy - so i'll be hoping to use that from time to time, and one of the other guys, Chai who is from Singapore has asked if he could borrow it sometime coz he too has a mac and he doesn't get to see his family coz he's here etc... so it'll be good that he gets to see his family every now and then. Anything i can do to help through my own blessings i guess... oh yeah - i bought this stuff with my Christmas money... well some of it anyway - have also bought some clothes and craft stuff *hehe*.
Anyway - the classes have been all confusing this term as there was a problem with the part-time students and the fact that they had already done one of the classes on thursday - but anyway - i think it's all fixed now, but we had to have the first session of the thursday morning class today. This one is about learning and curriculum, and it actually seems ok. I think thats got a lot to do with the lecturer though... we're really lucky this term, coz we have Steve Mallon for 2 classes - and he's fabby!!!! Anyway... due to the fact that our placement church work is worth more this year (25 credits instead of 15 i think) we don't need to do 3 10 credit classes and 1 5 credit class this term as we have done every other term... instead we have 2 5 credit classes and 2 10 credit classes, both of which is on a Thursday, so we'll have a normal day on a Tuesday, but then on a Thursday we don't have class until 10:20am *long lie* YUSSSSSS! and then again have a 2 hours class in the afternoon before our weekly hour of placement seminar *hehehe* so yeah, it's all good... So after last term being really really hard, I think i may be more suited to this term - which is good for me *grin*
oh yes... and the other thing was that I got a B+ for my Y221 developing person essay *does a little dance* which i'm really pleased about - coz i did that one after i did my church meaning and mission one... sorta weird though coz i worked really hard on them both, in fact more so on the church meaning and mission one, and I only got a C for it... but then i suppose that's just how it is...
Anyway, just watched MiB which was a laugh... didn't quite mean to but once i started, i was stuck there... LOL... but i think everyone else is working tonight - so i'm here more or less alone... might actually do some studying, you never know... would have gone to the cinema, but i definitely don't fancy going outside... it's mingin with rain and wind!!!! My fairy lights in my bedroom have partly fallen down because of the wind moveing the roof tiles which are inside... yes, that is how windy it is...
i'm off to heat up some home made lasagne *grins* thanks mum *hehehe*....
posted by TLT @ 5:07 pm |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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