Tuesday, February 15, 2005 |
(music - ain't no mountain high enough, marvin gaye)
man class this morning was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo boring!!!!!!! BUt philip sent me the cutest pic of grandad and emily so that made up for it *grin*.... oh yes and the big annoucement... a girl in my class Bonnie, got engaged yesterday... Jamie has been studying here in the ICC on the theology course since septemeber, they've been going out since December... but yeah, they got engaged yesterday *madness* so i gave them a card which i made which bonnie liked *grin* Also made a nice card from grandma... got the message over text that she was back to the ward and looking good just after 2pm so was pleased with that :) So wrote the card after class and then posted it... (warning mum, i sent it to your address so you can pass it on!!!) but yeah anyway... class this afternoon was nothing short of amazing!!! I loved it... we spent the first half talking about and unpacking our visit to St Mungo's museum a couple of weeks ago... so that was interesting and opened a couple of cans of worms. Then we were looking at the power of language and the words you use to describe people 'n stuff... so needless to say, i already know what i'm going to do my next reflective report on... Ageism and it's affect on the young people and their predudice... so yeah, will write that tomorrow if i get time coz it'll be fresh in my head... Tomorrow is really a 'day off' but i think i'll work on my plan for the Fast so that i can send it to Iain and George, and then i'll maybe start drawing up essay outlines for a couple of my assignments... 3 of them aren't due until after Easter but i don't want to have them hanging over my head, especially if i'm going to have this Fast event in the middle of their due dates. Also went to see the Magic Roundabout after college... i thought it was great... quite cheesy, but i liked that *grin* and here has GOT to be the quote of the week...
Zeebad: 'what have you done with him you fool?!'
Sam: 'Well sir, i got flattened by a flying cow'
absolute classic!!!!!!! hehehehe... but yeah... think i'm just gonna chill, tidy my room a bit and have a shower then all will be good *grin* oh yeah... and last night i ordered Wicker Park on DVD... what is Wicker Park you ask??? ONly one of the most AMAZING films of 2004... but yeah... that'll come next week - so exciting!!!! *grin* |
posted by TLT @ 7:31 pm |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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