Friday, March 18, 2005 |
exhausted already... |
(your love oh Lord, Third Day)
well last night had the potential to be a really bad and depressing night... first person i saw was Lauren and she was in tears. Her dog went missing about 6 weeks ago and Lauren has worked hard to find her since and has always been hopeful... but last night her parents got a phonecall from someone who had found Lucky's body in the canal. She was so upset, and to a degree everyone else was too... but we did our practice coz we have stuff to do next friday for the service and then we prayed about it all at the end... so all in all it still managed to be a good night. An example of everyone working to support one another etc... oh yes and the amusing part of the evening was when i was dancing on the carpet with everyone else on the chansel, and i slipped *blushes* off the step and man my foot hurt last night.. but the thing is that i have a bruise just below my knee today (and it takes A LOT for me to bruise) but oh well... lol...
Anyway - was up early today... partly because i had set my alarm for 9am (but then i usually put it on snooze for like 2 hours if i can get away with it *hehe*) but Gordon texted me coz he wanted a chat, so i was talking to him at 9:30am *shock* turns out he got offered the Job in Uphall and was deciding whether he should take it or not ... he did *grin* but anyway so i was talking to him about that for a bit and then I spent the rest of the morning doing wok for church. Had to make up a consent form and letter about the fast. Then spoke to Emily for a bit and then got a text from Bonnie asking me to print out and hand in an essay for her coz she's in England *duh* well anyway - that turned out to be really stressful coz the my printer decided to become temprimental and 'run out of ink' and then when i tried to open it on the pc's downstairs from my hotmail it wouldn't let me. But i used my pen drive and copied it from my mac so it worked... stupid pc's. BUt yeah, because the printer was being stupid i then had to finish off my form/letter and go back downstairs to print it too *rolls eyes* but anyway - now i'm just shattered. Too much stress. Decided to chill for a bit before i head off to work and photo copy all the forms. Then i'll have to make a wee presentation to the BB tonight about the Fast, the easter service in 2 weeks and elevate on Sunday *thinks*, oh yeah, and i'm meant to think of a icebreaker for Sunday *doh* ach well...
oooooh but i got my Pixar boxset today *grin* happy happy happy... it's got: The Incredibles Finding Nemo a bug's life Monsters Inc
but anyway yeah... i'm off to chill and watch a dvd before i have to head off back to work... |
posted by TLT @ 4:17 pm |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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