Saturday, December 10, 2005 |
Going to the movies... |
Well today has been a slighly more relaxed, yet still busy day... it's been a bit insane actually... managed to have a relatively long lie which was nice, and then Kat 'n Josh 'n I all headed down to the cinema to book tickets for tonights showing of Narnia *bounces* am soooooooooo looking forward to it!!!!!! Is my treat seeing as I worked hard to finish my assignment yesterday instead of going out at all... so yeh - it'll be good *grin*
Oh yes... and I got a text from the person who was meant to be leading bible class tomorrow this morning to let me know that there was a problem at their work and so they were having to work tomorrow morning and so couldn't make it to bible class... i know that it's not her fault and at not point would i suggest it was, but i was just sooooo hacked off... coz that means for the 3 week running i'm gonna have to do the BC and whats more 2 of those times i wasn't even meant to be leading and 'inherited' the lesson at the last minute as it were... duh. So yeah, I refused to completely give up my day off in order to spend hours preparing for a full blown lesson, so instead i have decided to combine some previous concepts we've done with the young people along with craft, which they love, and Christmas wind down to allow us to chill... So what are we going to do i hear you say???
welllllll... we're going to make christmas cards, but then the kids are going to be challenged to give them to a member of the congregation that they don't know after the service.... it'll be interesting to see if they take up the challenge or not... you see a couple of months ago we spent a lot of time talking about the church and our responsibilities in the church particularly old vs. young... so tomorrow i'm going to encourage the yp to be proactive in making the effort to open dialogue with some of the adults they don't know... we'll see if it works - prayers would be nice.
So yeah... no much else been happening... well there has been but it's like boring stuff like cleaning and hoovering and such like... nothing that would be of interest to any of you. oh yes and i sent all my christmas cards in the post... so they'll be making their way to you right now!!!!
anyway - i should go 'n do something constructive before i have to go out soon...
laters x |
posted by TLT @ 5:58 pm |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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